Website The economy is broken outdated and not fit for purpose.
“Much like our existing government”
Simplify the taxation system and make evasion impossible
The treasury could easily be funded by introducing an automated tax, levied against every financial transaction within the UK, providing a Steady cash flow to the treasury and enabling them to set budgets to cover all government spending.
No exceptions, a figure of < 1%, would produce billions, from ice cream to a mansion. Every transaction involved in their production would contribute. Effectively taxing the same money over and again.
If you take 1% of £100 and put it to one side then 1% of the £99 left and put it to one side and again with the £98.01 and so on down the line. Eventually the full £100 is collected.
It is impossible to list all contributors, any transaction you can think of would be included.
Retail sales, Online sales, Construction, Utilities, Banking, and the stock market. The massive sums transferred by the wealthy and large corporations would make them the largest contributors.
If adopted the system could be implemented at midnight on the 4th of April. The effect would produce an instant cash flow into the treasury. Even a tax of 1% would produce a figure of £7,711,220,000. A DAY . All the previous year’s tax liabilities will still have to be honored and the proceeds used to reduce the national debt saving millions on interest payments.
It affects everyone across all political divides. MPs would become responsible for their constituencies funded by the central government based on population and geographical needs. Council tax has always been an issue. It should never have been about the property. It’s supposed to be about people.
A parliamentary e-petition has been submitted, requesting the government to commission a feasibility study into the implementation of such a system
Fear of the markets is holding us back, after months of writing to the media there is still no response. It is reasonable for journalists to avoid such a controversial issue a comment either for or against could easily tarnish their reputation.
Many claim this system is too simple to be adopted, I intend to change that sort of thinking. This project is now at the top of my bucket list (I’ll tackle the NHS later)
There is more detail on my website. these proposals are gaining momentum and I intend to continue lobbying for support